Welcome to those who have been reading this page ever since
the beginning. Welcome to those who are
new to this page. Welcome and thank you
to all who stop by. Please speak your peace as those who seek the truth. I
desire to know more of God and desire to present an objective perspective of
the Word. Those who have been around for
a while, know of our break within the ministry.
One of our writers removed herself from the blog for personal reasons. During that time, I decided the blog needed
to be prayed over and redesigned to benefit its future. This was brought upon by much prayer and
fellowship with the staff of Pardon Writers for Christ. We will begin adding devos and stories once
again to our websites. Thank you once
again for your support. Please be patient as we continue to work hard on this
throughout the holiday season. Thank you
and good night.
May the Lord bless and keep you and may His face shine upon
~ London Jane Christian