Tuesday, July 31, 2012


The last episode of So You Think You Can Dance had me glued to my screen. My eyes wouldn't blink, no, they couldn't blink.  The moister was caught and lost somewhere and prevented me from understanding anything from the outside world.  All I saw was the movement and all I remember was the music.  I was captivated. 
Once the episode ended, I turned off my computer screen, and looked around my room. I had laundry to put away, keys to hang, files to organize, and my Bible to read! It sat there waiting for my time of Bible Study and Devotion.  But as I picked up, I realized my priority.  It was first myself and then God. 
I could have focused on Christ before I focused on my own entertainment desires.  As a society, we seem to run towards entertainment items such as video games, tvs, computers, and the addictive facebook before we stretch our hand out towards the Word of God. The average American spends over 8 hours within a 24 hour period watching television.  The amount of time we spend being filled with the world is astounding.

     Check out this article( http://www.kff.org/entmedia/entmedia012010nr.cfm)

I'm not saying that once and awhile sitting down and enjoying a tv show is wrong.  But I am asking you, and myself, how do we order our lives?  Entertainment should be last and Christ should be first.
"Mindless Toys" have quickly become a god within our society! Exodus 20:3.1 Corinthians 8:5
The Lord has commanded us to share the good news of Christ.  Mark 16:15.  This week, think and pray about giving up one or two hours you normally would spend on entertainment, and go out and minister to someone. Head off to a coffee shop, the store, the mall, the park, where ever the Lord places you, and tell someone about Jesus Christ! Make sure you always have your Bible handy. That is your armor! Be prepared and read often.  I know my hour of watching So You Can Think You Can Dance wasn't time well spent when I could have been doing other more productive things. Remember that! Our time is short.  We are not promised tomorrow. Matthew 6:25

Much Love,
L. J. Christian

Just The Thought Corner~

The Lord has promised me a few things in my life. As humans, we constantly wonder if those things will come to play now or tomorrow or maybe the next day. Tonight, the Lord reminded me of Paul. He knew he was suppose to be in Rome, but was held 13 years before that path was opened by the Lord. 13 years is a long time to wait, but remember friends, the Lord's best plan is worth the wait.

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